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TOEICパート別対策 英語バージョン TOEIC Preparation by Part



This article is to study how to proceed TOEIC test effectively. If you wish to know the tips and improve  your reading skill at the same time, this article would be perfect for you!




  • Look at each picture before listening.
  • Focus on the main point of the picture. (not minor details at the side or back)
  • Decide where the picture is and who the people are (or what the objects are)
  • If there is an action in the picture, try to think of verbs to express it.
  • If there are no actions or people, focus on positions and descriptions of things.

    Be careful of...

       *Confusing present continuous tense – it must refer to an action happening NOW.

   He is wearing a T-shirt → possible

   He is putting on a T-shirt→impossible


        *movement can’t be expressed in pictures
         ↑not sure if he is putting on or taking off!


        *Answers may be given in the negative form

        *Don’t get caught by similar sounding words

  • Choose an answer based on what you can SEE or INFER 
    eliminate incorrect answer choices as you go

    *As soon as you hear the correct answer, choose it and don’t change answers too easily.

    *As soon as the next question starts, stop thinking about the previous one. 




  1. Expect to hear natural English. Natural English 
  2. Keep the question word in your mind and don’t forget it.
  3. Be aware of different question types
    (tagQ’s,”or”Q’s”, Yes/No Q’s, negative Q’s etc)

Ex. Would you like coffee or tea?

Either. / Neither, thanks (No, thanks)

  The answer variation  

  • tea
  • coffee
  • neither
  • both
  • either
  • other “Don’t you have lemonade?”

What do you recommend? / Is the tea good?

1.Don’t confuse similar sounding words

2.Don’t expect the grammar
in the answer to directly match the question. (the pronoun, verb tense, etc. may be different.) 

Ex. When will you go to the museum?

  The answer is not always “I will ~”

  Next week / as soon as I get holiday / in September

3.Remember that questions with “or” usually cannot be answered “Yes/No”.

*As soon as you think you heard the answer, make a  response.

*Wait until you have heard all 3 responses before finalizing your answer.



Part2 Practice questions

Ex. How did you like the new factory?

   Location is very good. / Better than I expected.

  1. Who handles complaints from customers?
  2. What is the fee for a single room?
  3. Why isn’t Brian here today?
  4. Why don’t we have a coffee break?
  5. When will the building be completed?
  6. Where is the meeting room?
  7. Which fabric would you prefer?
  8. Do you know where Southbank is?
  9. Does anyone remember when the meeting is?
  10. Have you visited the new plant?
  11. Shall we visit the hospital now or later?
  12. Can’t you attend the seminar this morning?
  13. He’s arriving tomorrow, isn’t he?
  14. This seminar is so boring!
  15. I’d take warm clothes if I were you.

Possible (unexpected) answers

  1. I’m in charge / The customer service representative
  2. $100 per night / it depends how long you will stay
  3. Isn’t he in the office? / He is ill
  4. That’s a good idea/ Yes, I need a drink
  5. in 3 weeks/ It was done last week
  6. Just across the elevator
  7. I like the colorful one
  8. You should go straight/ Just across the river
  9. Are you attending? / I think it’ll be held on Friday.
  10. I’m going there next week
  11. Which is better for you? / Let’s go there after
  12. Sorry, I have to go to doctor’s / Let me check my schedule
  13. I’m not sure/ I’ll have to check
  14. Yes, but it’s nearly finished.
  15. Is it cold? / I didn’t bring any warm clothes





  • Read each question before listening(and skim answer choices if possible)

  • Decide whether the answer will be stated or implied.

  • Identify key words in the questions and/or answers to focus your listening.

  • Try to predict which part of the conversation might contain the answer.

  •  Listen extra carefully to the first lines of the conversation.

  •  Don’t confuse similar sounding words or words with more than one meaning.

  • As soon as you think you hear the answer, make a tentative response.

  • Wait until you have heard the whole talk before finalizing your response.

  •  Don’t choose an answer just because you heard exactly the same word mentioned. 

  • try to stay focused.




Part4-Techniques &Tips

  • Don’t panic!
  • When the directions are being given, try to use the time to read ahead and prepare 
  • Read the questions and answers before listening and try to stay ahead of the recoding. 
  • Consider question types- Stated and implied 






  • Don’t spend too much time on this section(a maximum of 20 seconds per question)
  • Quickly skim the answers to see whether the question is about grammar, vocabulary(meaning), or a combination of both grammar and meaning.

*If the four answer choices are different forms of the same word(root), the question is testing the various parts of speech and is focussed on grammar and verb tenses.


(ex.) When returning goods, the _____ receipt must be enclosed with the item.

  1. origin
  2. originality
  3. originally
  4. original

 the answer is (d)


*If all four answer choices are completely different verbs, nouns, adjectives or adverbs (but all the same part of the speech), the question is testing vocabulary and is focussed on meaning. 

(ex.) I am still unsure of the primary _____ of the summit that will be held next month.

  1. objection
  2. thoughts
  3. responses
  4. purpose

the answer is (d)


*If the answers are four different prepositions, conjunctions or other parts of speech (excluding verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs) then the question is testing both grammar and vocabulary

(ex.) It is necessary for attendees to be seated ______ 1:00pm, because the ceremony commences at that time.

  1. during
  2. before
  3. on
  4. throughout

 the answer is (b)


<For Grammar Questions>

  1. Look at the part of the sentence missing a word ______
  2. Don’t look at A.B.C.D yet!
  3. Decide what part of speech is needed (noun, verb, etc.) by looking before and after the space.

XXX is ______  ←should be often adjective

  1. Decide the required grammatical form for the word. (singular/plural, past/present etc.)
  2. Choose the answer from A,B,C,D.

If two choices are the same part of the speech, consider the grammar and/or meaning further.


*Don’t waste time trying to understand the meaning perfectly. It is testing Grammar!

*Focus on suffixes to help identify parts of speech.


[How to choose noun in Grammar Questions?]

Ex.) operator, operation, operating

  1. singular/ plural/ uncountable
  2. person or not
  3. action/ process or not
  1. Q) 1.delivery 2. delivering 3. deliverer

I received a ___1___ this morning

I spoke to a ____3__ this morning

___2___ pizza is my job

[How to choose verb in Grammar Questions?]

  1. Transitive/ intransitive 

Transitive: give, hold, praise etc.

Intransitive: arrive, die, happen etc.

*Intransitive verbs can’t be passive!

  1. look for an object

_____ Object →active

Object ______ →passive (be+p.p)

  1. Is the subject singular? Plural?
  2. Aux verb  

has(+p.p), can, will, should(+be)

  1. Is the tense past? Future?

<For Vocabulary Questions>

Read the sentence carefully and focus on the meaning.

  1. Look at A,B,C,D immediately
  2. “Sound out” the words (in your mind) to try to “hear” if the answer fits.
  3. Look for partner words in the sentence.

<For Questions testing both Grammar & Vocabulary>

  1. Focus on Grammar first to eliminate one or two impossible answer choices.
  2. Think about the meaning and connections within the sentence to choose the appropriate answer.


*Don’t worry if you cannot understand some words- Focus on what you DO know!


Stated: keyword catch & can be listened

      Ex. What is included in the group rate?

         For how long will arrivals be delayed?


Implied: have to guess from the hints.  Focus on verb in the answer choices!

       Ex. Where is this announcement most likely made?

           What is the purpose of the message?

  1. To inquire about a job applicant
  2. To ask about accommodations
  3. To offer help with relocation
  4. To inform a client of an available apartment

  •    Don’t simply choose the answer which includes the word you’ve just heard, it’s tricky because the whole meaning can be changed by a verb. Focus on verb! 

  • Identify key words in the questions so you know what to listen for.

  • Look for words to help guess when information is likely to be mentioned within the talk.
  • Keep all of the questions in mind as you listen(except where the answer is implied)

  • Listen extra carefully to the first part of the talk as it often gives key information!



  1. Listen for key words or their synonyms to confirm the answer that was given.
  2. Remember that the questions may not be answered in order they appear.
  3. As soon as you think you hear the answer, make a tentative response.
  4. Wait until you have heard the whole talk before finalizing your response.
  5. Eliminate incorrect answer choices
  6. If you can’t answer a question, don’t stop- just make your best guess and move on.







The techniques for Part6 are basically the same as Part5. 

The only difference is that when a question is testing vocabulary (meaning) or a verb tense, it may be necessary to read a little more.

Reading the previous or next sentence may be required in order to understand the context well enough to choose the answer. 



Part7- Techniques & Tips

  1. Allow enough time for this part(at least 1 minute per question if possible)         
  2. Do not read more than you have to (Use appropriate reading techniques-scan/skim)  
  3. Look at the type of reading passage first(Be familiar with reading typical passage types below(*1) 
  4. Use your background knowledge of passage formats to get to the answer more quickly 
  5. Read only the top part of the passage first to get a basic idea of its content
  6. Look at the questions before reading any more of the passage                  
  7. Identify which of the (7) different types the question(*2) is             
  8. Look for words in the question that indicate the answer is implied(would, probably, most likely, possibly, may, might) 
  9. Try to do the type1 and 2 questions on the page first (by skipping questions if necessary) Do other types(3 to 7) on that page afterwards and then go on to the next page 
  10. For type1, the best keywords to scan for are: ①adjectives/adverbs ②specific nouns/names/numbers and, ③the main verb  
  11. Do not worry if you cannot understand some words- focus on what you Do know 
  12. If a whole group of questions is too difficult, skip that page and come back to it later if you have time. Remember to give an answer for every question(even if it is a guess) 

(1*) Typical types of passages include:



business letters











newspaper articles







(*2) Types of the questions

Classify Type1~4 for the start.

Question Type


Technique to use

Key words on the questions


Specific information

scan 1point

Where? When? How much? etc


Exception-not mentioned

scan 3 points



Who is the target reader/writer


Who would most likely~?

To whom is the~?


Main point/purpose

skim & guess

What is the purpose of~?

Why was~?

* be careful! “Who~?” can usually be both type1 and type3.

Type 1: Specific information

Example questions

  1. What is the standard rate for a single room on a public holiday?
  2. Which hotel package includes a free meal?
  3. According to the advertisement, when does the fitness club close?



Step1: choose keywords (if possible, 2 key words)

  1. adj/adv
  2. specific nouns
  3. verb

*Step2: scan for

  1. synonym
  2. the same word
  3. other word that implies the key word

Step3: read only that part carefully

     Usually the answer is in the sentence. If there’s not, read one sentence before.

Step4: Don’t look at A.B.C.D yet, and make your own answer. (answer choices make you confused!)

Step5: Match A.B.C.D   yes/no/maybe


*If you can’t find the synonym of keywords on Step2,

Look at A.B.C.D → Scan for A.B.C.D → confirm key words


*At the last part of Part7, there are two passages and 5questions in one section.

Find keywords & answer sentence in passage①

→then, look at A,B,C,D, but can’t find the answer!

In this case, read passage② and find keywords, then answer the questions.

This type of questions looks difficult, but they could be easier using this techniques!

Type 2: NOT

Example questions

  1. According to the advertisement, which of the following is NOT available at the hotel?
  2. The package deals include all EXCEPT which of the following?
  3. What is NOT mentioned as a way to book a room?



Step1: Look at A.B.C.D

Step2: Scan for 3 words to eliminate 3 other choices.

It takes time, but don’t worry! There are only 1 or 2 type2 questions.

Type 3: Who is the reader or the writer

Example questions

  1. For whom is this advertisement intended?
  2. Who would probably be interested in this advertisement?
  3. Who most likely published this advertisement?



Reader: Look at the TOP only

       Dear, To, For, ATT(attention)

       Words mean person(Mr. Mrs. name, ~er, ~or, ~ist, ~cian, ~ee, you, your

Writer: Look at the bottom

      I, me, my, we, us, our

      From, sincerely, regards, signed

Type 4: Main point

Example questions

  1. Why was this advertisement published?
  2. What is the main purpose of the advertisement?
  3. What is being announced?


Step1: skip until you finish Type1, Type2 questions

      sometimes don’t have to read and you could answer

Step2: skim only beginning +end of enough paragraphs

Step3: focus on the verb in Answers (A.B.C.D)

     If there’s no verb or verbs are all similar, look at subjects,


Step4: Re: regarding about (TOPIC)

After getting used to classify Type1 to Tyoe4, try to classify the following Types as well.


Type 5: implied- would, probably, likely

Example questions

  1. What would guests most likely do upon arrival?
  2. Where does this advertisement probably appear?
  3. When might a guest need to call the reception desk?



Use techniques of Type1 and Type4

Type1: try to find key words

Type4: skim more and guess

Type 6: What is mentioned (stated, said, suggested, indicated, noted, true) about the topic?

Example questions

  1. In the advertisement, what is indicated about bath towels?
  2. Which of the following does the advertisement mention?
  3. Which of these is true, according to the passage?



Use the same technique as Type2(skimming), but only look for 1 answer.

Type 7: meaning

Example questions

  1. In the advertisement, the word “rate” in Paragraph4, line1 is closest in meaning to    (a)assess (b) score (c) price (d) exchange
  1. In the advertisement, the word “function” in Paragraph2, line3 is closest in meaning to   (a)operate (b) party (c) purpose (d) entertainment



Look at the word and guess what it means.

Ex) reception

  1. party
  2. front desk
  3. signal
  4. elephant

  1. understand? (yes: proceed to 2, no: proceed to 4)
  2. A,B,C,D are synonym? Try to eliminate 1. (d in this case)
  3. look at the context, match and decide
  4. put A,B,C,D in the context and “listen”


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